Drought Support Information

Drought Support  from State Government

The State Government announced fresh drought support for farmers in a press release on 26 November 2024 - press release is linked press release is linked here

South Australian Assistance Guide for Primary Producers

The 'Assistance Guide for Primary Producers' document outlines support options and resources available during these tough times. It can be downloaded or read online by clicking the link below:

South Australian Assistance Guide for Primary Producers

SA Drought Hub

The South Australian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub is one of eight Hubs established across the nation through the Australian Government's Future Drought Fund.

The SA Drought Hub brings together a dynamic network of primary producers, industry groups, researchers, government agencies, universities, agribusinesses, farming systems groups, traditional owners, and others to strengthen the drought resilience and preparedness of farms and regional communities in SA.

Further information about the Australia Government's Future Drought Fund can be found here.

Contact the Hub via email to sadroughthub@adelaide.edu.au or visit their website www.sadroughthub.com.au

Northern and Yorke Family and Business (FaB) Support Program

Experienced mentors and business counsellors will be based in or near the most affected regions – the team of FaB Support Mentors are available to meet, listen to and connect people to appropriate services.

Northern and Yorke FaB Mentor contacts:

  • Anthony North:   0409 398 435
  • Judy Wilkinson:    0401 122 049

To find a FaB mentor visit pir.sa.gov.au/fabs or call the Recovery hotline on 1800 931 314 or email PIRSA.Recovery@sa.gov.au

Animal Welfare

PIRSA Animal and Agricultural Services can provide advice and assistance with livestock and other animals affected by the current dry conditions.

For further information visit: pir.sa.gov.au/drought or call the Agriculture, Animal Health and Welfare Hotline 1800 255 556.

Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS)

Any primary producers and small rural business  owners who are experiencing financial difficulties or who have concerns about the financial impacts of the current market conditions impacting the South Australian agriculture sector can contact the RFCS, which provides free, confidential and impartial business support and information.

Rural Business Support offices can be contacted via (free call) 1800 836 211

For further information visit: ruralbusinesssupport.org.au/rfcs

Farm Household Allowance (FHA)

The FHA provides eligible producers and their partners who are experiencing financial hardship with assistance and support to improve their long-term financial situation .

The program provides a package of assistance that includes:

  • Up to four years of fortnightly income support (in every 10-year period)
  • Ancillary allowances such as Pharmaceutical Allowance, Telephone Allowance, Rent Assistance and Remote Area Allowance
  • A professional financial assessment of the farm business (worth up to $1,500)
  • Funding to help develop skill, access training and pay for professional advice (up to $10,000 and can include reasonable travel and accommodation to undertake training)
  • Regular support of a case manager

Contact the Farmer Assistance Hotline on 13 23 16 or visit agriculture.gov.au/fha for further information

Farm Debt Mediation

Farm Debt Mediation provides obligations for creditors and rights for farmers under the Farm Debt Mediation Act 2018

For further information contact the Office of the Small Business Commissioner on 1800 702 722 or visit their website sasbc.sa.gov.au

Farm Management Deposits (FMD)

The FMD Scheme assists primary producers to deal more effectively with varying income. It is designed to increase the self-reliance of Australian primary producers by helping them manage their financial risk and meet their business costs in low-income years by building up cash reserves.

The scheme allows eligible primary producers to set aside pre-tax income from primary production in years of high income, which they can draw on in years of low income. Income deposited into an FMD account is tax deductible in the year the deposit is made. It becomes taxable income in the year in which it is withdrawn.

For further information contact the Australian Taxation Office on 13 28 66 or visit their website ato.gov.au/fmd

Low Interest Loans

The Australian Government provides low interest loans for primary producers for farm investment, debt restructuring, operating expenses and drought re4covery and preparedness activities. These loans are now administered by the Australian Government's central entity, the Regional Investment Corporation.

For further information visit the Regional Investment Corporation website ric.gov.au

I Farm Well

ifarmwell.com.au is a practical online toolkit that has been designed by farmers for farmers to help manage life's curveballs effectively when under the unique mix of challenges agriculture inevitably provides.

Starting with taking stock of your current situation, the five on-line modules provide practical advice and strategies to approach concerns and challenges with a sharp and focused mind.

The I Farm Well on-line program is relevant, confidential and free. Simply sign-up for the  program by visiting ifarmwell.com.au


R U OK has a good list of resources on ways to check in on friends and family and information on where to find support. Staying connected and having meaningful conversations is something we can all do. You don't need to be an expert - just a good friend and a great listener. So if you notice someone who might be struggling - start a conversation.

For further information visit ruok.org.au

Further resources are available for those facing drought related hardship such as:
  • Australian Taxation Office financial hardship advice
  • Multi-Peril Crop Insurance
  • Telecommunication Bill Assistance
  • Farming Extension and Technical Advice
  • Legal Advice and Aid